So I have been workingout and found that I actually needed to eat foods that would help my muscles recover from the workout the day before. I made a discovery. You need carbs. It is crazy but bread and bagels are highly recommended with some protein but not a whole lot. 1/4 of the food that you are eating after you work out needs to be protein and 3/4 need to be carbs. I know it sounds like you are defeating the purpose of working out but if you do eat properly then you will feel better and get results much faster.
When you are giving your body what it needs you will see it make amazing changes. Be sure you arent starving yourself. I eat between 6-8 times a day not huge meals but I snack and eat small meals all day long. If you do not eat you will not be fueled for your workout and you also wont loose any weight.
I have traveled down the scary path of working out very hard and not eating. I will just say that if you do not eat and you decide that you are going to push hard you may not have the strength to workout or when you do finally eat you will gain instead of loose. Please do not starve yourself you will get much faster and longer lasting results.
TurboFire is amazing. I am almost 8 days in solid working out with only 2 rest days. I am so sore but that is ok I am already noticing changes and I have lost 4 pounds. I work out whenever I get the chance which has been late lately.
Happy Workingout,
Smiling Celeste
!!!!!4 lbs already! You give me hope :))